Monday, August 3, 2009

Thing 23 - Summary

1) My very favorite discovery this summer for me on a personal level was LibraryThing. I loved, loved, LOVED it. I will be inputting books and looking at recommended books to read. My favorite discovery for my profession was BIG HUGE LABS, it is really awesome all the possibilities on the website for students to have fun and learn at the same time.

2) This has assisted my lifelong learning goals by gaining the wisdom of finding out new information on the internet and different ways I can incorporate them into my personal and professional life.

3) An unexpected outcome was learning how much Google has to offer. They have the calendar, which e-mails you reminders, the reader for the RSS feeds, the Google Docs, and free g-mail. This was a wonderful unexpected outcome, to find out how to utilize something you already have.

4) I do not have any suggestions about how to improve on the program. It was just a little fast to go through in four weeks with other homework to work on, so you didn’t get to delve into it as deep as I would have liked. But the surface was touched and the programs I really liked will add value to my life and I learned a lot of computer jargon.

5) I would do this again, once I am out of college. I find with work (and all it entails), family, and homework; there is no time for extra learning.

6) FANTASTIC experience!!!

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