Monday, August 3, 2009

Thing 23 - Summary

1) My very favorite discovery this summer for me on a personal level was LibraryThing. I loved, loved, LOVED it. I will be inputting books and looking at recommended books to read. My favorite discovery for my profession was BIG HUGE LABS, it is really awesome all the possibilities on the website for students to have fun and learn at the same time.

2) This has assisted my lifelong learning goals by gaining the wisdom of finding out new information on the internet and different ways I can incorporate them into my personal and professional life.

3) An unexpected outcome was learning how much Google has to offer. They have the calendar, which e-mails you reminders, the reader for the RSS feeds, the Google Docs, and free g-mail. This was a wonderful unexpected outcome, to find out how to utilize something you already have.

4) I do not have any suggestions about how to improve on the program. It was just a little fast to go through in four weeks with other homework to work on, so you didn’t get to delve into it as deep as I would have liked. But the surface was touched and the programs I really liked will add value to my life and I learned a lot of computer jargon.

5) I would do this again, once I am out of college. I find with work (and all it entails), family, and homework; there is no time for extra learning.

6) FANTASTIC experience!!!

Thing # 21 Podcasts and Videocasts

This has been the most fun, yet most frustrating Thing to work on. I downloaded Photostory, put the images in the program. I set up the microphone and narrated the pictures. When I went to upload, the message kept saying processing. I started at 1:55 pm on Monday, August 3. At 2:15, I received a message could not upload, no reason why. I figured I uploaded the .wp3 file, so I tried again and uploaded the .wmv file at 2:30pm. At 6:35 it was still processing. I cancelled, deleted 3 pictures looked around and decided to set pictures at a smaller level. Presto! It worked.

Besides the frustration, this was a unique way to show pictures. I could see any educator using this tool in the classroom. Students could write, draw, and narrate a story. Very higher level thinking skills.

Thing # 19 2.0 Web Awards

The 2.0 Web Awards page is a really neat place to look at. I particularly liked the Docstoc website. This is where you can find all kinds of documents from business to real estate to education. Under education, I found teacher originated rubrics for different products.

Personally, I would like to look further at PeerTrainer for my health and welfare. It sends you a tip of the day and has recipe suggestions. It might make me more motivated to lose weight. My, that was a lot of m words.

Thing # 22 Nings

I viewed some of the Nings listed in our guide sheet and found I was drawn to the Teacher Librarian Network Ning. I like how Ning is a social network website created for people who are interested in the same topics or how you can set one up for a group. I recently joined Facebook this summer and I would not want anyone I am just acquainted with to be my personal friend. There is a place for work and a place for your personal life and they do not need to mix so completely. A Ning can solve this need for social networking and be more professional topics.

On the Teacher Librarian Network Ning, I liked how it was set up. It was not difficult for me to navigate. The tabs were self-explanatory and were full of information.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thing #20 You Tube and Teacher Tube

This is a wonderful age when we have sooooo much access to the information we have available. Now we spend a lot of time weeding through the information, instead of trying to find any. But as educators we are lucky to have these tools available to us. I know the students really enjoy and benefit from Discovery streaming videos. If the district allowed, they could benefit from Teacher Tube and You Tube.

I picked a You Tube video which explains how to use Animoto. A Library 2.o tool where you can put music to pictures. On Teacher Tube, I picked a short video on examples of Hyperboles. As a reading teacher, this would be a great introduction and jump start to discussions about figurative language examples.

Thing #12 Commenting

I agree with the point V. Davis, Cool Cat, made about making your comment more meaningful than just saying “great” or “right”. It would be more beneficial to the blogger if the commenter would go into more detail about what is so great about the post. Also, she states that if you disagree with a posting to not make your words harsh, but to do it in a kind way. This is showing respect and if you do it rather harshly, people may not keep reading your suggestions because they would be turned-off right away. Her posting had several good points about commenting.

Darren Rowse’s posting had a good suggestion about asking open-ended questions. This could elicit responses from others and this is what makes a good blog, when you have a community that participates and gets involved.

I feel as an American citizen our politicians need to hear our opinion, therefore, I perused through the Houston Chronicle blog in the politics section and made a comment on a Texas Library calendar. Next I went to the Huffington Post page and checked out the living section and read a post by Hillary Fields, I love to cook (and eat). She expounded on her experience to eat 90 salads in 90 days. There was a link to some salad recipes, I just love how salads have gone beyond lettuce and tomatoes.

I commented on these blogs: Brooke’s 2.0 Blog, Mrs. Maslonka’s Moose, Rochelle’s Blog, 23 things I learned, and The Library Window.

Thing # 18 Online Productivity Tools

I chose to explore After reading information about OpenOffice and Google Docs I see there is a big difference between the two. OpenOffice is a free Open Source Software (OSS) product and you need to download it onto your computer in order to use it. Whereas, Google Docs is done on-line and the document itself can be saved on your desktop, but you would need internet access to work with it. In my case, there had been several times my internet connection went down but I could still work on a Microsoft document. Same scenario would go with OpenOffice, but not Google Docs. The last ATT person to look at my internet dedicated one line straight to the computer and luckily I have not had any problems since. But after viewing the introduction to Google Docs, I see where it can be useful in collecting data from co-workers. All things have their pros and cons.

OpenOffice was not hard to figure out. Not all keys work exactly the same, I tried the F4 command and it did not do the same as it does in Microsoft. I can see how for economic reasons, OpenOffice is a wonderful product. People who could not afford Microsoft Office could get OpenOffice. It is updated constantly and they receive feedback from users on how to improve functions. If I did not have access to Microsoft, I would most definitely use OpenOffice.